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Getting A New HVAC System

It doesn’t matter if you are a first-time homeowner or someone who has owned a home for years; there are a couple of things you should consider before installing a new HVAC system. Always hire an HVAC professional when it’s time to get a new air conditioner, heat pump or furnace. Make sure he is reputable and has plenty of experience in the industry.

Not only can this type of pro help you choose the right HVAC system, but he can also help you to modify an existing system. He will factor in the size and character of your home. In addition, he will adhere to your specified comfort level and make sure that there are affordable options for you.

What do you need? Do you want to have a new system installed, or do you want to replace or repair an old one? If you are trying to determine your next step, then look at our online info or call us to get clarification on what needs to be done.

1.Heating Capacity, Type and Size

Do you know the heating and cooling capacity of the system that you’re considering? Research online for this information or ask a certified technician. Ensure that you’re getting the right system size for your home.

The measurement of the British Thermal Unit “BTU” determines a heating system’s capacity. This is the amount of heat that the system must have to increase one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. BTU is measured in terms of input or output. 

Know which one you’re reading in terms of BTU. Input capacity is a measurement of how much gas is burned, although this does not take into account what is lost as a result of combustion. Output capacity measures the amount of heat generated. Basically, heating capacity is higher when the BTU rating is higher.

In addition, become knowledgeable about CFM measurements as well. Know how much cubic feet of air can go through a certain point each minute. This is the best way to choose the right HVAC capacity.

The good thing is that you don’t have to worry about choosing the right capacity, size or type of HVAC system on your own. This is your HVAC contractor’s responsibility. He has to take measurements in order to get the right new Denver HVAC system for your home. If you are replacing a current system, he will replace it with one of the same sizes.

2. Cooling, Capacity, Type and Size

However, you should still be aware of your new air conditioner’s capacity before it is purchased. It is measured in terms on a Ton instead of BTU’s. But to understand things better, one Ton is equivalent to about 12,000 BTU’s per hour.  

It is also wise to purchase an air conditioner that suits the size of your home. A licensed AC expert can help you purchase one that keeps all areas of your home cool and comfortable.

3. Energy Efficiency

Air conditioners and heaters use a lot of energy. According to the United States Department of Energy, about 50 percent of your utility bill is spent on heating and air.

This is why it is imperative that you know how much energy your new HVAC system will utilize. Determine this before the purchase in order to save money in the long run.

When it comes to a furnace, efficiency is determined by its Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). If it has a higher AFUE rating, then it has higher efficiency.

When it comes to an air conditioner, efficiency is determined by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). If it has a higher SEER rating, then it has higher efficiency.

When it comes to heat pumps, efficiency is determined by the Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPFP. If it has a higher HSPF number, then it has higher efficiency.

If you want your new HVAC system to have the highest efficiency that is listed on its Energy Guide Label, it should be installed by a professional HVAC contractor. Understand that it will not have the best efficiency rating if it isn’t installed correctly. Research the ratings for different HVAC systems before making a decision.

4. Inspect Noise Levels

Ensure your HVAC system isn’t making loud or weird noises. Most manufacturers try to decrease noises in their HVAC systems, but check all sounds before making a purchase. Ask both your contractor and the manufacturer about noise levels. The best systems have levels that are 60 decibels or lower.

5. Indoor Air Quality and Maintenance

Learn about how to properly maintain your new HVAC system. This is the best way to ensure that it will work for a long time. Besides, keeping it maintained is the only way that the warranty remains valid. If you don’t properly maintain it, it will no longer be under warranty. Once installed, sign up for an HVAC maintenance plan. Also, make sure the filter is changed monthly or every other month.

Also, if your home has bad air quality, tell your HVAC contractor. He can recommend ways to improve it. Consider things such as air purification systems, thicker air filters, ventilation products or humidification control. Get clarification before your contractor begins work.

How Much Do You Have to Pay for a New HVAC System?

If you want to know how much a new HVAC system will cost, call a reputable HVAC company for a quote. Don’t just go with the first one that you call, get plenty of quotes. Also, ask about certifications, insurance, installation guidelines, warranties and anything else that you want to learn about HVAC systems.

If you are getting a new system, it may need to work with the components of the current system. Things such as wiring, ventilation, wiring, ductwork and controls could be affected. Make sure the technician knows how to make these things compatible.

Usually, a new system will cost anywhere between $2,500 and $14,000; however, no one can be for sure without coming to your home and doing an inspection. Understand that the cost of your new system is contingent on many different factors. Do your research and determine what these things are.

Hopefully, you will be very happy with your new HVAC system. Give the pros at Service Champions a call. We can help you choose the right system if you live in California. In addition, we provide annual maintenance plans and can make necessary repairs.

Air Conditioning System Repair

A large HVAC system deals with high voltages and powerful fans. Installing or operating on one requires an exceptional amount of expertise. The high-velocity system forces air to move inside of a small duct to many rooms in the to. These are more difficult to work with and are chosen for confined spaces or because it moves a large volume of air quickly to out-of-the-way bedrooms.


Regular HVAC units use a powerful fan to move air through a duct that is 12 inches to 6 inches in diameter. With a high-velocity system, a more powerful fan effectively compresses air somewhat and forces it through a six-inch tube that might also be insulated to reduce the noise and vibration that would otherwise move through the building. This more powerful air conditioning system requires more regular maintenance.


There are many steps in figuring out how best to install the system. The first is just figuring out the precise size of the AC system needed. This is referred to as “calculating the load,” and it just means that the high-velocity device installed should be a perfect match for the size and needs of the building. Cubic space is one way to figure it out while using a gauge like SpacePak is another.


The next step is to find the right place to install the fan coil unit. This device differs from conventional units in that it is preferably sheltered from the outside. This specialized HVAC unit is typically installed in the attic or crawlspace. The unit itself can be very long as opposed to a large box that sits on bricks outdoors. The chosen space might even be a closet, but there must be space for the condenser and its drainage.


The next step is to cut a return air socket in the wall or floor where the unit is installed. The hole, as well as the return air ducting, must be an exact match with the position of the mounted air conditioner. There should be enough clearance for all the duct parts. If installing the HVAC unit in the attic, then a secondary drain pan might become necessary. It is best to install the air conditioner first and then determine where the ducting holes should go.


It is important to construct a platform appropriate for the high-velocity system and its adjoining parts. Indoor areas might have fragile surfaces such as drywall that need to be reinforced. The platform is often a 2-by-8 inch wooden board and joined to structure wood as opposed to the drywall. The unit usually comes with an insulating strip that reduces vibration and noise.


In the case that the unit has to be suspended from an above position, make sure to use the threaded rods that are meant for suspension. These rods should not be connected to the fan coil cabinet because other places are more stable and distribute the vibration better. If the unit is laid on top of the platform, then no bolting is needed because the weight of the unit will keep it stably in place.


Attaching the Supply Plenum Ring is a bit tricky because this intakes air and is designed to be a few inches lower than the bottom of the fan coil unit. These features might be because it was meant to be passed through a wall and beyond the support. In any case, any holes produce to facilitate this port should be made to match the height of the supply plenum ring.


The condensation drain is next attached to the fan coil unit and drains water that condenses from vapor. Since connection requires matching sockets, it is best to inspect the installation manual. Since the drain channels water by the force of gravity, it should slope downwards at a minimum of a quarter-inch per foot. It is better to have a separate drain system than to depend on a closed drain system.


The refrigerant lines are a bit different in this system than a box outdoor HVAC unit, but they are not difficult to install provided enough space. This job should be done by an air conditioner specialist because the coils have to installed airtight and then charged with refrigerant and then professionally inspected. It takes a license to do it.


The plenum duct is usually flexible and can be adjusted as needed to reach the supply tubing. However, all the parts should be located away from the fan coil unit as well as any other folds in the ductwork. This is just to prevent unwanted transfer of heat and vibrations. The plenum duct is made of 6-foot sections and can be cut by an air conditioning worker.


The next step is to install the terminator outlet as well as the sound attenuation tubing. These usually come packaged with the unit. It is best to first mark the location of the desired installation, making sure the ports are at least five inches away from any wall edge. The end result should be a four-inch hole using a 1/8 inch hole as a pilot for the saw. The free end of tubing has a device that snaps in place when installed in the hole.


The last step is to install the supply tubing. An important point is to avoid sharp bends in the tubes. Another is that the supply tubing usually comes in 100-foot lengths that often has to be cut and manually joined if branching. Refer to the manual on how precisely to join tubing sections, although a general rule is to cut two-inch holes for outlets and to use holes that orient at a 20-degree angle to avoid unneeded pressure on the tube.


Electrical connections are usually hard connections straight to power lines as opposed to using a conventional plugin jack. The thermostat might not require high voltage, but installing the power to run the unit itself generally requires a license. Every area will have its own laws regarding electrical connections and licensing, so check those rules and follow them as needed.

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